Saturday, January 29, 2011

Surrender & Trust

Trusting the moment is equal to trusting God.

When we are intentionally conscious of the present moment, we are not attempting to rewrite the past or control the future. AA says, “let go and let God.”

Accepting what is, is surrender. It is said not even a blade of grass moves without the will of the Lord. Does this mean we don’t try to change the things that we deem necessitating change such as changing a flat tire? No, of course not. It means we don’t mentally resist what already is in this moment and we change the flat tire at the appropriate time without stressing about it.

“God grant me the serenity to accept what I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.”

When we hear the word “surrender” it may conger up thoughts of sacrificing what is dear, of losing a battle, etc. When Krsna says “surrender unto Me”, what is He asking us to surrender? He ends His request for surrender by further adding “do not fear.” Krsna is asking us to surrender our fear and our doubts. He is asking us to surrender what is actually holding us back from our highest good.

Practically speaking how do we surrender to Krsna? We surrender by trusting the moment and giving up the urge to control what already is. This enables to be fully present and aware, which allows us to respond to each moment fresh as opposed to just unconsciously reacting due to materially conditioned habits of thinking and interpreting.

Surrender and trust are not blind. Surrender and trust are grounded in that which is unconditionally trustworthy. What is always present and never changes? That which is changeless we can certainly count on. Awareness, life its self, is unchanging. It is the unchanging substance upon which all life forms are created out of and maintained. Awareness is present before the thought, during the thought and after the thought. Even when the mind turns off and the body sleeps, awareness is present to breathe the body and wake it up when there is a noise. What is the source of this constant and therefore most reliable awareness? The Supreme Awareness Himself, Sri Krsna, is the cause of all causes and the source all that is. He is likened unto the sun that emanates the innumerable sunrays. He is supremely trustworthy.

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