Thursday, September 13, 2007

SP letter 8-07 "initiation is a vedic principle"

SP 8-07
This initiation ceremony is a Vedic principle

Los Angeles31 July, 1969
My Dear Kulasekhara das (Colin Jury), Digvijaya das (Dick Withey), and Tirthapada das (Tim Austin),
Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letters, sent along with your beads, and I have noted the contents carefully. This initiation ceremony is a Vedic principle to lead a conditioned soul to the higher level of transcendental life. In the Caitanya Caritamrta you will find the instruction as we have given it in our book, Teachings of Lord Caitanya, that after many, many births through approximately 8,400,000 species of life, a living entity gets this human form of life, which is a chance to get freedom from the material condition. When a child is born it is the responsibility of the state, of the father, of the mother, of the relatives, and of the teachers just to raise the child to the standard of Krishna Consciousness so that the child may not have any more to repeat the process of birth and death, but being fully situated in Krishna Consciousness he may be transferred to the spiritual world and situated in one of the Vaikuntha planets. The most important of the Vaikuntha planets is called Krishna Loka, or Goloka Vrindaban. In these days the propagation for landing on the moon planet is very encouraging to the common man, but so far as a Krishna Conscious person is concerned, he is not at all interested in any of the material planets. His target is to be transferred to the topmost spiritual planet, namely Krishna Loka.
So this initiation means the preliminary chance for preparing oneself to achieve this highest perfection. I am very glad that you are already interested in the Krishna Consciousness Movement, and you will please chant at least 16 rounds daily, observing the rules and regulations. The four principle rules is that you will refrain from 1) meat-eating or partaking of fish or eggs, 2) illicit sexual connections, 3) intoxication (including cigarettes, coffee and tea) and 4) gambling. In addition to these rules there are ten offenses to chanting the Maha Mantra which should be avoided. These rules are as follows: 1) blaspheming the Lord's devotee. 2) Considering the Lord and the demi-gods on the same level. 3) Neglecting the orders of the spiritual master. 4) Minimizing the authority of the Scriptures. 5) Interpreting the Holy Name of God. 6) Committing sin on the strength of chanting. 7) Instructing the glories of the Lord's Name to the unfaithful. 8) Comparing the Holy Name with material piety. 9) Inattention while chanting the Holy Name. 10) Attachment to material things while engaged in the practice of chanting.
So follow faithfully the above rules and regulations, help your godbrothers and sister in London to propagate Krishna Consciousness, and there is no question, that you will all come out successful. I hope this will find you well.
Your ever well-wisher, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


In this initiation letter Prabhupada explains the reason for initiation. Prabhupada also stresses the importance of following the four regulative principles and avoiding the 10 offences in chanting. Prabhupada was the first acarya to travel outside of India and spread KC in the western countries successfully. One of the many reasons for Prabhupada’s success is that he was able to adjust the ancient vaishnava practices without compromising the essence of the parampara teachings and made the Vaisnava practices suitable for westerners to follow. This is the special prerogative and contribution of the acarya. Prabhupada mercifully applied the essential practices of Vaisnavism according to modern times, circumstances and locations. Krsna accepted Prabhupada’s prescriptions and therefore they are effective.
“O Lord, who resemble the shining sun, You are always ready to fulfill the desire of Your devotee, and therefore You are known as a desire tree. When äcäryas completely take shelter under Your lotus feet in order to cross the fierce ocean of nescience, they leave behind on earth the method by which they cross, and because You are very merciful to Your other devotees, You accept this method to help them.” SB 10.2.31
“This statement reveals how the merciful äcäryas and the merciful Supreme Personality of Godhead together help the serious devotee who wants to return home, back to Godhead. Sri Caitanya Mahäprabhu, in His teachings to Rüpa Gosvämi, said:
One can achieve the seed of bhakti-latä, devotional service, by the mercy of guru and Krsna. The duty of the guru is to find the means, according to the time, the circumstances and the candidate, by which one can be induced to render devotional service, which Krsna accepts from a candidate who wants to be successful in going back home, back to Godhead. After wandering throughout the universe, a fortunate person within this material world seeks shelter of such a guru, or äcärya, who trains the devotee in the suitable ways to render service according to the circumstances so that the Supreme Personality of Godhead will accept the service. This makes it easier for the candidate to reach the ultimate destination. The äcärya's duty, therefore, is to find the means by which devotees may render service according to references from sästra.” (From the purport)

All glories to the most merciful and expert spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada.

Satyadeva das



1969年7月31日 ロスアンジェルス

いつもあなたを思う者,A C バークティウ゛ェダーンタ・スワミ





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