Sunday, January 27, 2008

There is no question of sectarianism.

SP 1-08
There is no question of sectarianism.

Los Angeles15 March, 1970
My Dear Acyutananda,
Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 10 March, 1970.
I understand that there was some press interview, and in future also whenever there is press interview, you can remember the following points, which will help you to make a clear understanding of our Krishna Consciousness movement.
Try to convince in the meeting that the difference between animal society and human society is that the human society has in some form the ideals of Krishna Consciousness or God Consciousness. That is religion. Religion without God Consciousness has no meaning. And God Consciousness means that we are eternally related with Him. He is the Father, and everyone of us is the part and parcel or son. He is the Supreme Leader, and we are subordinates. He is the Supreme Maintainer, and we are completely dependent on Him.
Whatever we possess, including our body and our self, everything, belongs to Him. When one is completely in sense of this fact—he is God Conscious. And unless a living entity becomes God Conscious, he cannot be happy. So this is our propaganda. There is no question of sectarianism. Every religion should have this aim in view. But the system of religion that teaches development of God Consciousness is first class. We have to estimate by the result, and not by the formalities. So this movement, Krishna Consciousness, very quickly develops this God Consciousness, and it is very easy to adopt it.
But, at the same time, we must remember that a sinful man cannot develop God Consciousness. The four pillars of sinful life are: 1) illicit sex, 2) animal killing or animal eating, 3) indulgence in intoxication in any form, and 4) take to the life of gambling. We therefore request all religious institutions to check their followers from the reactions of these four principles of sinful life. That will pave the way of developing God Consciousness, and thus all the people will be happy.
It is not a question of following this religion or that religion. It is a question of philosophy of life. Our Krishna Consciousness philosophy is practical, easier, and based on sound reasoning and philosophy. We place it before impartial, thoughtful men of the world, and we are certain that they will find it sublime.
I wish that you American boys should live elegantly to the tradition of your great country. But at the same time you shall preach the Sankirtana movement, becoming humbler than the grass and more tolerant than the tree as instructed by Lord Caitanya.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


The teachings and philosophy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as taught by Srila Prabhupada are non-sectarian and comprehensive. These two aspects of the Krsna Conscious religion, 1) it is a complete philosophy and 2) it is inclusive to others, are what initially attracted me to begin the study and practice of Krsna Consciousness. It is also the reason that I have continued to practice Krsna Consciousness for 37 years.
The Krsna Conscious philosophy is comprehensive. Its scope is very broad; it includes the extremes of all philosophy. In the verse of SB 1.2.11, we find the extremes of God realization that are possible.

“Learned transcendentalists who know the Absolute Truth call this non-dual substance Brahman, Paramätmä or Bhagavän.”

Acintya abeda beda, inconceivably it says, the individual soul, the jiva, is simultaneously one with and different from God. We are God but not God. God is one, but yet can remain a separate unlimited supreme person.
If the jiva is in fact God, then how could the jiva ever be overcome by illusion? How can God ever forget He is God? The monists have no reasonable answer to this question, but the Vaishnavas do.
In the Upanishad it is said, “God is eternal and the individual jiva soul is eternal. God is conscious and the jiva is also conscious. The difference between the 2 eternals is that the many jivas are forever dependent upon the one source, God, for their existence.” Although the jiva is one in quality with God, the jiva is not one in quantity and thus can fall under the cloud of illusion. Clouds can never cover the sun, but clouds can block the separated sunrays.
Krsna consciousness is the essence of religion and doesn’t discriminate between the varieties of religion. In SB 1.2.6, we find the religious gold standard succinctly explained.

“The supreme occupation [dharma] for all humanity is that by which men can attain to loving devotional service unto the transcendent Lord. Such devotional service must be unmotivated and uninterrupted to completely satisfy the self.”

Krsna Consciousness is non-sectarian. It simply says gold is gold. There is only one God, one source and religion means to surrender to that source without personal motives and without interruption. To the degree a religion teaches its followers to love God; to that degree it is a bona fide religion. If a religion does not practice or teach surrender to the one God, then it is a religion in name only; there is really no gold in it!

Satyadeva das



1970年3月15日 ロス・アンジェルス
しかし、同時に、罪深い人は神の意識を高める事はできない事も覚えておかねばなりません。罪深い生活の4つの支柱は、1)婚外の性交渉 2)動物の殺生あるいは肉食 3)陶酔物をとる事 4)賭け事をする事 です。ですから、この4つの罪深い行動の反動を受けないよう、すべての宗教にそれに従う人々がそれを辞めるようお願いしているのです。そうする事が、神の意識の発展への道を形造っていき、みんなが幸せになる事ができるのです。
A C バークティウ゛ェ−ダンタ・スワミ




アチンティア・ベーダ・ベーダ とは個々の魂であるジーウ゛ァは、同時に神と一つでもあり異なってもいることを想像を絶して言っています。私達は神であり神ではないのです。神は一人でもあり、また別々の無限の最高人格者でもあります。

クリシュナ意識は宗教の真髄であり、様々な宗教を分け隔てしません。シュリーマッド・バーガウ゛ァタム 1・2・6では宗教の黄金原則が簡潔に説明されています。




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