SP 10-07
Why is it acceptable kill plants and not animals?
My Dear Ann Clifford,
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated July 25, 1969, and I have noted the contents carefully. I am pleased to learn that you have become interested in Krishna Consciousness through living at the Krishna House in Montreal and associating with the devotees there. Your return address is not at this Krishna House, and I hope that you are attending the Kirtanas which are held at the temple on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. The chanting of Hare Krishna Mantra will clear away all of the difficulties that you have mentioned. Actually, as pure spirit soul, there is no difficulty; the cause of all problems is that we are forgetful of the fact that we are part and parcel of Krishna, and we are trying to enjoy the material nature through these material bodies. But the laws of material nature are so stringent that in spite of all attempts for enjoyment, the living entity in the material world must always come to the platform of suffering. This chanting of the Hare Krishna Mantra is especially recommended for chanting in this age of Kali yuga so that any sincere soul who takes to it will very soon regain his memory of being the transcendental loving servitor of the Lord, or Krishna. So if you will come to our temple on Park Avenue and chant and speak with the devotees as far as possible, you will find that all lesser attachments and lesser enjoyments will fall very short of your attachment for and attraction for service of the Lord in Krishna Consciousness. That is a fact, and my special request to you is that you seriously read our literature, especially Bhagavad-gita As It Is, chant Hare Krishna always; then you will find your life becoming sublime.
Regarding your question about why we do not eat meat and yet we eat plant life, the answer is that we do everything as Krishna recommends. Everything we eat is first offered to Lord Krishna, and because Krishna does not eat meat, therefore we also do not eat meat. The fruits, grains, and vegetables which we offer to the Lord are not caused any suffering by our offering them to Krishna. Rather they are greatly benefited because to be offered for the pleasure of the Lord will grant for the living entity within the plant body certain liberation in the near future. Everything that we do in Krishna Consciousness is ultimately beneficial to all living creatures because we are working under the recommendations of the Lord Himself who is the well-wisher of all His part and parcel children. I hope this will sufficiently clear up this matter for you.I hope this will meet you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Ann Clifford’s question to Srila Prabhupada is a very common question and a very justified one. Srila Prabhupada’s answer is simple but profound.
It has been demonstrated in laboratory research that plants have measurable electrical reaction to human beings thoughts when hooked up to electrodes. If a human in the room thinks kind thoughts about the plants, electrical changes can be detected. Similar reactions can be detected when humans are thinking negative or aggressive thoughts toward the plant. Some level of conscious awareness can be observed in plants through such kind of experimentation.
It has also been demonstrated that plants thrive when classical music is played for them and conversely wither away when hard rock is played continually.
We may not be able to say with any certainty that plants feel fear or pain, or to the degree that sentient beings such as animal and human do. However, life is synonymous with consciousness.
Evolved souls demonstrate compassion for all living beings. A devotee is prepared to offer all respects to all living beings, even to an ant. Why, we may ask? An evolved being is able to understand another’s pain as his own suffering.
“He is a perfect yogi who, by comparison to his own self, sees the true equality of all beings, in both their happiness and their distress, O Arjuna!” BG 6.32
It is the nature of this world that one living being is food for another. Killing is unavoidable. Yet, an evolved being is careful to avoid causing pain unnecessarily to any other living being, be they an animal, human or plant.
In 1971 Prabhupada visited San Francisco to attend the Rathayatra festival. The his disciples rented a house for Srila Prabhupada to stay in. The house was over grown with tall grass and other weeds. Prabhupada was relaxing in the garden at the time when a disciple asked Srila Prabhupada if he could mow the lawn and pull the weeds in order to beautify the scene for Prabhupada’s pleasure. Srila Prabhupada asked the devotee not to disturb his friends (the grass and other living creators) and so this devotee desisted from cutting the lawn. Jayananda Prabhu told this story to me shortly after the incident occurred.
Elephants are also vegetarian. Being vegetarian is not necessarily a spiritual qualification. One who is spiritually qualified recognizes that the Lord is the supreme enjoyer, proprietor and friend of all. Out of love and gratitude, God’s servant offers everything back to the Lord for the Lord’s pleasure. In this way, the Lord is satisfied and all beings in krsna’s creation receive the highest benefit. Even plants offered to the Lord will receive liberation in the very near future. The Krsna Conscious life style is so positively wonderful and exciting! Jaya Srila Prabhupada!
Satyadeva das
A C バクティウ゛ェ−ダンタ・スワミ
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
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